Tables are the lowest level of data configuration in Data Builder. They describe the layout and data type for the datasets used in Models.
All data coming to Datasphere needs to pass through a table before it can be further configured.
Tables can persistently store data from data sources on Datasphere or let data pass through the table configuration in real time without the data being stored. Tables can be created using separate manual processes or generated automatically by a dataset.
To create a table:
In the Navigation Bar in Datasphere, select Data Builder.
Select New Table.
In the tables General area you can set the:
Business Name
This is the visible name that general users will see. This name can contain spaces and special characters.
Technical Name
This is the unique ID of the table, and cannot have spaces or special characters.
Semantic Usage
This defines how a table is expected to behave, and includes:
- Relational Dataset
- Dimension
- Text
- Hierarchy
- Fact
Delta Capture
When on, it will store changes to the data each time data is changed.
In the Column or Attribute section, you can create the table structure.
- New columns are created by clicking the Add Column button.
- Checking the Key column will set it as part of the primary unique key for the table.
- More than one column can be set if a compound key is required.
- Each Column will have a Business and a Technical Name.
- Data Type: Sets the type of data that can be used in a column.
- Checking Not Null will ensure that bank values cannot be added to a column.
Save and Deploy
- Saving the table will add the table to the list in Data Builder.
- Deploying the table will make it active, so its saved configuration can be used in other applications.
- Data Viewer: Shows any data that is persistently stored within Datasphere.